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Data management plans

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Learn about including the Stanford Digital Repository in your data management plan.

For Stanford affiliates who would would like to designate the SDR as your repository in a data management plan, we provide the following text describing the service and how your data will be safeguarded and made publicly available. 

We recommend you copy and paste this text directly into your data management plan's section on data preservation. 

Please note that the SDR is available only to individuals with a Stanford University issued ID (SUNet ID).

"Data will be preserved and made publicly available via the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR), a service built and run by Stanford Libraries. Datasets and other content in any format can be deposited into the SDR and made available immediately to the world via open access licenses and at no cost to the end user. Depositors can choose to have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned to their dataset, which is available at a persistent URL along with the required metadata describing the content. ORCID iDs may be included for every author. Datasets are replicated multiple times and stored in geo-diverse locations on different media types, providing long-term data management and data integrity. The stable technical infrastructure and dedicated staffing by digital preservation experts, funded by the University, ensures the long-term availability of the datasets."