A PURL, or Persistent URL, is the stable location on the web of a particular item of digital content and provides a reliable citation for that content. At Stanford Libraries, we assign PURLs to all the objects in the Stanford Digital Repository. The DRUID assigned to the item is at the of the PURL, e.g. https://purl.stanford.edu/cm430hn3276. If you want to access any SDR content, you need only type the PURL into your browser.
DOIs in the larger scholarly landscape
DOIs were introduced to the world in 2000 and were quickly adopted by the scholarly communications community to uniquely identify publications, particularly in scholarly journals. DOIs are issued by one of ten DOI registration agencies around the world. DOIs can now be found attached to many types of digital objects and help enable citation and reuse of research data, software, conference publications, preprints, computational notebooks, data management plans, and more. DOIs are typically expressed as URLs.
DOIs streamline and standardize the tracking of citations. If you have a DOI, you can very quickly access the object that it identifies, and it's very easy to track every citation to a particular DOI. When publications, datasets, and software are assigned DOIs, and when those objects reference people and funders and organizations by the persistent identifers available for those entities (ORCIDs, FundRef IDs, and RORs), we can quickly connect all of these entitites to each other to identify even more information about a topic of interest or to understand the scholarly publication or research landscape from a particular perspective. In other words, DOIs make it easier to connect publications with their authors in a networked information system.
About ORCIDs
Our online deposit application supports the inclusion of ORCID iDs for all individual authors and contributors. When you enter an ORCID iD, we automatically retrieve the individual's name from their ORCID record to simplify data entry into the deposit form.
When ORCID iDs have been included for Stanford authors, we also automatically push works to their ORCID records if they have used the authorize portal to grant Stanford "update" permission.
Does content with a PURL need a DOI?
SDR PURLs are strong identifiers, but they are not strong enough. PURLs are not used or tracked consistently in expanding areas where services are growing to manage scholarly publications and communication. Most scholarly or research information systems track DOIs, not PURLs. We make our content more discoverable by many more information systems when we assign DOIs to our SDR PURLs.