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Research from the lab of Alexandria Boehm

Highlighting Stanford research datasets in the SDR
Alexandria Boehm, the Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, samples ocean water at Capitola Beach.

The SDR is available for data sharing by all Stanford researchers, but for those who generate a lot of datasets and are committed to sharing those data publicly, having your own collection in the SDR makes it easy to manage deposits by all the members of your group. It also gives you a great way to point others to all the works your group is generating, by providing a space in the libraries' catalog SearchWorks where others can easily see and sort through all of your outputs. 

Today we're highlighting the collection of datasets from the lab of Alexandria Boehm, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment. Her group has published several dozen datasets during the pandemic, many focused on detection and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. 

SDR collection

Boehm Research Group at Stanford

This collection contains datasets and other research outputs from the Boehm Research Group at Stanford, led by Professor Alexandra Boehm. The group studies the sources and fates of pathogens in the environment, including their transport in natural and engineered systems, and how pathogens are transmitted to humans through contact with water, feces, and contaminated surfaces. Research is focused on key problems in both developed and developing countries with the overarching goal of designing and testing novel interventions and technologies for reducing the burden of disease. The group also studies coastal water quality and addresses the sources, transformation, transport, and ecology of biocolloids -- specifically fecal indicator organisms, DNA, pathogens, and phytoplankton -- as well as sources and fate of nitrogen. This knowledge is crucial to formulating new management policies and engineering practices that protect human and ecosystem health at the coastal margins.

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